Powrót do Procedury / Policies


At Frederic Chopin Polish School CIC in Bath, we will endeavour to create an atmosphere that encourages good and positive behaviour, we believe that children/young people flourish best when they know how they are expected to behave, and gain respect through interaction with caring adults who show them respect and value their individual personalities.

Children/young people need to have set boundaries of behaviour for their own and others safety. Within Frederic Chopin Polish School CIC we aim to set these boundaries in a way which helps the child/young person to develop a sense of the significance of their own behaviour, both on their own environment and those around them.

In order to maintain a welcoming and safe environment, it is essential to distinguish between what is acceptable and unacceptable behaviour.

Behaviour will not be accepted if it is dangerous, hurtful or offensive to someone else, if it is dangerous to the child displaying the behaviour and/or damages others property.


  • Staff/children/young people will work together to establish boundaries/ agreements/ codes of behaviour for the service they attend (appropriate to age and stage of development). These will be periodically reviewed so that new children/young people are able to participate.
  • Positive behaviour will be reinforced with age and stage of development appropriate praise and encouragement.
  • Staff will facilitate regular discussions with children/young people about their behaviour in order to help them to understand the implications of such behaviour and enable them to have their say.
  • Staff will act as positive role models to children/young people, by behaving in a friendly, courteous and tolerant manner to promote the atmosphere where children/young people and adults respect and value each other. Staff will refrain from shouting at work.
  • In line with our Concerns, Compliments and Complaints Policy, children/young people who feel they have been unfairly treated/challenged will be made aware of their right to take their concerns further.


  • Staff will challenge the behaviour through discussion with the child/young person. They will be encouraged to stop by offering alternative options. However, there will be non-negotiable issues (e.g. violence towards others, bullying).
  • If the behaviour is repeated, children will be given verbal warnings, these will be recorded in the behaviour management log, when parents/carers come to collect the child/young person, they will be informed in line with service’s procedures. Service leaders should make sure their approach is agreed by the whole team to be able to deliver a consistent response to behaviour issues.
  • If the behaviour does not improve, then the child/young person may be excluded after 3 verbal warnings (each warning to be recorded in the behaviour management log).
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