Powrót do Procedury / Policies


At the Frederic Chopin Polish School CIC, we believe that every person has the right to be able to access our services and feel secure and happy at our sessions.

We care for children from the age of 3 to 16 years.

The Frederic Chopin Polish School CIC supply care for children on Saturdays, before a child can start at the school, a completed admission form on the child must be sought, the admission form requires the following information:

• Emergency contact numbers
• Child’s dietary requirements
• Special health requirements
• Info about who has legal contact of the child and who has parental responsibility
• Parental permission to seek emergency medical advice
• Starting date
• Consent for photography for monitoring
• Consent for advertising and evaluating
• Consent to take part in off-site activities.

Once the School has received a completed admission form, the child will be offered a place available, if there is no places available, then the child will be placed on a waiting list & as soon as a place becomes available, then the place will be offered to the first child on the waiting list.

The Management Committee may decide priorities for the waiting list. These could be:
• Children already attending the setting
• Siblings of children already attending
• Children of the Management and Teachers
• Children of working/ training parents
• Social Service referrals
• Children of staff

If additional support is required for a child to attend the setting, eg a support worker or if a child has medication needs, the scheme will work with the parents/ carers and other relevant professionals prior to admission and will aim to accommodate individual needs.

No child shall receive less favourable treatment on the grounds of race, colour, ethnic or national origin, religious belief or disability.

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