for volunteers and employees of Frederic Chopin Integrative Saturday School in Bath
1. Always remember that, while you are caring for other people’s children, you are in a position of trust, and your responsibilities to them and to the organisation must be uppermost in your mind at all times.
2. Never use any kind of physical punishment or chastisement, such as smacking or hitting.
3. Do not use unprescribed drugs or be under the influence of alcohol.
4. Never behave in a way that frightens or demeans any child or young person.
5. Do not use any racist, sexist, discriminatory or offensive language.
6. Generally you should not give children presents or personal items, only in public assembly as a token for achievements. Gifts should come from the organisation only. Do not accept gifts yourself in private, other small tokens for appropriate celebrations, which you should mention to the Managing Team member.
7. You should not give children sweets during the school day, if you would like prize a child for their effort or good work etc. give them something little like a sticker or/and certificate.
8. You should not invite a young person to your home or arrange to see them outside the set activity times.
9. You should not use schools contacts (telephone numbers, emails, home addresse) for private reasons, such as contacting Parent/Carer in regards to a matter not related to school’s activities. Contacts with Parents/Carers should be only in relation to the school matter or child needs, and made through school email szkola@ or with use of school mobile with prior arrangement with the school Headteacher. The meeting with the Parents/Carers should be held with the presence of another member of the school Team.
10. You should not keep pupils images taken during the school’s activities (delete photos after sending to schools email, to be stored securely), also not to send them to parents or people outside school.
11. You should not engage in any sexual activity (this would include using sexualised language) with a young person you meet through your duties, nor should you start a personal relationship with them. This would be an abuse of trust.
12. Exercise caution about being alone with a child or young person. In situations where this may be needed (for example, where a young person wants to speak to you in private), think about ways of making this seem less secret – for example, by telling another worker or volunteer what you are doing and where you are, by leaving a door ajar, by being in earshot of others and lastly by noting the Managing Team of the conversation in writing. Take notes of what exactly was said (using the child’s words).
13. Physical contact should be open and should be determined by the child’s needs, – for example, you might hug a child who is upset or help a child with toileting. Always prompt children to carry out personal care themselves. If they cannot manage on their own, ask if they would like help.
14. Listen to children and young people and make sure that you raise their self-esteem.
15. Work as a team with your co-workers/volunteers, we should support and help each other to be consistent and enforcing good behaviour we expect from young people and each other. Take into account needs of children/young people and your co-workers.
16. If you have to speak to a child/young person about their behaviour, remember that any criticism should be about ‘what they did’, rather than ‘who they are’. If you do it outside the classroom, always have another member of the team with you.
17. Make sure that you have read the child protection policy and that you feel confident that you know how to recognise when a child may be suffering harm, how to handle any disclosure and how to report any concerns.
18. Seek advice and support from your Managing Team and the designated person for child protection.
19. Seek opportunities for training, and take part in the ones that are available in your free time if possible.
Adopted by the Management Committee