Powrót do Procedury / Policies


No child is excluded from participating in Frederic Chopin Integrative Saturday School in Bath (FCISS) who may, for any reason, not yet be toilet trained and who may still be wearing nappies or equivalent. We work with parents/carers towards toilet training, unless there are medical or other developmental reasons why this may not be appropriate at the time.
We see toilet training as a self-care skill that children have the opportunity to learn with the full support and non-judgemental concern of adults. All children are treated with dignity, care and compassion during nappy changing/toileting. Staff will ensure this time is relaxed; they do not make negative comments about nappy/potty/toilet contents.
to provide the opportunity for all children to use the toilet independently and to provide assistance for children who require it. Where children are in pull-ups, we will remind them at frequent intervals to use the toilet. If a child is in nappies, these will be changed as necessary.
Procedures for nappy changing
• At FCISS we will maintain each child’s privacy.
• During nappy changing the staff will interact with the child, and if upset will reassure and comfort them. They will praise them verbally throughout the nappy changing
• All staff are familiar with the hygiene procedures and carry these out when changing
• Staff will wear protective gloves and apron when changing nappies/pull ups. These will
be disposed of after each use.
• Nappy changing will take place throughout the session at timed intervals, also as and
when required. Children will also be checked periodically and changed as needed.
• Where possible, key workers change their own key child’s nappy. If this is not possible, another member of staff (with whom the child is familiar/comfortable with) will
undertake this task.
• Key persons are gentle when changing; they avoid pulling faces and making negative
comment about ‘nappy contents’.
• Key persons ensure that nappy changing is relaxed and a time to promote
independence in young children.
• All children are changed in the nappy changing room on the changing mat.
• The changing mat is wiped down with antibacterial wipes/spray after each nappy
• Staff will wash their hands with hot, soapy water and dry on disposable towels/hand dryer immediately after completing their task.
• Young children are encouraged to take an interest in using the toilet; they may just
want to sit on it and talk to a friend who is also using the toilet.
• All used pull-ups and nappies will be disposed of in the on-site nappy refuse bin
and removed when full.
• Only staff members with Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) Enhanced Disclosure clearance will undertake nappy changing.
• Parents are requested to send a bag containing a clean change of clothes for their child in case of accidents. These clothes will only be used for that child.

Procedures for children that are toileting or potty training
• At FCISS we will maintain each child’s privacy.
• All staff are familiar with the hygiene procedures and carry these out when toileting
• During toileting the staff will interact with the child, and if upset will reassure and comfort them. They will praise them verbally throughout the experience.
• Staff will wear protective gloves and apron when supporting children during toileting.
• These will be disposed of after each use.
• Children will be shown the toilet areas before they actually need to use them, to help
promote confidence and familiarity in a new environment.
• FCISS staff will remind children to use the toilet/potty regularly.
• Potties are available for children too small to use the toilet or those who feel more
confident using a potty.
• Toilet and flush handle is wiped down with antibacterial wipes/spray after each child
has used the toilet or potty.
• All children will be encouraged to adopt good personal hygiene by washing their hands
• Will provide visual reminders to show good hand washing practice.
• Staff will wash their hands with hot, soapy water and dry on disposable towels
immediately after completing their task.
• Activities and routines will also include reminders about the need for good personal
• Only staff members with Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) Enhanced Disclosure clearance will undertake toileting duties.
• Parents are requested to send a bag containing a clean change of clothes for their child in case of accidents. These clothes will only be used for that child.


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